In the French thriller film Les fauves (2018), set in the picturesque region of Dordogne, rumors of a mysterious feline prowler and the sudden disappearance of young people create a sense of fear and uncertainty. Laura, a young woman with a curious nature, becomes determined to unravel the truth behind these disappearances. Along the way, she encounters Paul, a peculiar writer who both intrigues and frightens her.
As Laura and Paul grow closer, they find themselves embarking on a dangerous journey that forces them to confront their deepest fears. However, their relationship takes an unexpected turn when Laura's former lover also goes missing, leading her to question her own involvement in these strange events.
Directed by Vincent Mariette, Les fauves is a compelling psychological thriller that delves into the dark underbelly of human nature and the complexity of human relationships. Blending elements of mystery, suspense, and romance, the film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they try to uncover the truth alongside the protagonists. With breathtaking scenery and a thrilling storyline, Les fauves offers a unique and exhilarating cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
SavageRelease Date:
23 Jan 2019Writers:
Marie Amachoukeli-Barsacq (screenplay), Vincent Mariette (screenplay)