A Rainy Day in New York is a charming romantic comedy directed by Woody Allen. The film follows a young couple, Gatsby and Ashleigh, as they embark on a weekend trip to New York City. However, their plans take an unexpected turn when they are greeted by rainy weather and a string of unpredictable events.
As the rain pours down, Gatsby, a witty and extravagant young man, navigates the city streets and encounters various eccentric characters. Meanwhile, Ashleigh, an aspiring journalist, finds herself unexpectedly caught up in a series of interviews with a renowned movie director. This leads her on a whirlwind adventure through the world of Hollywood filmmaking.
Throughout their separate escapades, Gatsby and Ashleigh's relationship is put to the test, with both of them questioning their feelings for each other and their own ambitions. Through humorous and heartfelt moments, the couple discovers the true essence of love and the importance of being true to oneself.
With its stunning visuals of a rainy New York City and a stellar ensemble cast including Timothée Chalamet, Elle Fanning, and Selena Gomez, A Rainy Day in New York offers a delightful blend of romance, humor, and self-discovery. Get ready to be swept away in this enchanting tale of love and adventure in the city that never sleeps.