Arbitrage is a gripping financial thriller that follows a troubled hedge fund magnate named Robert Miller. As he desperately tries to sell his trading empire, Miller unintentionally makes a grave mistake that throws his life into chaos. Faced with a potential scandal that could ruin everything he has built, he turns to an unlikely source for assistance.
This suspenseful drama delves into the intricate world of high finance and moral dilemmas. Miller's flawed character and relentless pursuit of success make him a compelling protagonist. As he scrambles to cover up his wrongdoing, the tension builds, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats.
Arbitrage skillfully explores the relationships between power, money, and loyalty, questioning the ethical boundaries that often accompany immense wealth. The film presents an intriguing commentary on the corrupting influence of ambition and the lengths people will go to protect their financial interests.
Directed by Nicholas Jarecki, Arbitrage is a masterclass in suspenseful storytelling, packed with complex characters and a gripping plot. With outstanding performances from Richard Gere as Robert Miller, Susan Sarandon as his loyal wife, and Brit Marling as the relentless detective investigating his actions, this movie is a must-watch for fans of intense dramas and thrilling stories.
Also Known As:
ArbitrageRelease Date:
14 Sep 2012Writers:
Nicholas JareckiAwards:
4 wins & 6 nominations