Countdown is a thrilling action movie that follows the heart-pounding story of Ray, a determined protagonist who takes matters into his own hands to save a young boy who has been kidnapped and rigged with explosives. In a race against time, Ray defies his captain's orders and embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue the innocent child.
As the clock ticks relentlessly, tension builds, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats throughout the film. Ray's bravery and resourcefulness are put to the test as he faces numerous obstacles and danger at every turn. With every passing second, the stakes become higher, making his mission even more critical.
Directed with an intense and gripping style, Countdown showcases a gripping narrative that presents the moral dilemma of one man defying authority for the greater good. The movie's fast-paced action sequences and suspenseful moments ensure an adrenaline-filled experience for viewers.
This thrilling race against time leaves audiences guessing the outcome until the very end. Countdown is a must-see for fans of action-packed films, delivering a captivating story of courage, sacrifice, and the indomitable human spirit.
Also Known As:
CountdownRelease Date:
05 Apr 2016Writers:
Michael Finch, Richard Wenk