Burning is a critically acclaimed South Korean psychological thriller from 2018. The film revolves around Jong-su, a young aspiring writer who unexpectedly reunites with a girl from his neighborhood, Hae-mi. Hae-mi asks Jong-su to take care of her cat while she embarks on a trip to Africa.
When Hae-mi returns, she introduces Jong-su to Ben, a charming and enigmatic man she met during her travels. Ben reveals his unusual pastime - he enjoys burning abandoned greenhouses. As Jong-su becomes increasingly suspicious of Ben's motives, a mysterious disappearance occurs, leading to a gripping cat-and-mouse game.
Director Lee Chang-dong masterfully explores themes of obsession, class dynamics, and personal identity in this slow-burning thriller. The film keeps audiences on the edge of their seats with its suspenseful narrative and rich character development.
With superb performances from its cast, including Yoo Ah-in as Jong-su, Steven Yeun as Ben, and Jeon Jong-seo as Hae-mi, Burning captivates viewers with its intense psychological tension and atmospheric cinematography.
This critically acclaimed film was highly praised for its thought-provoking storyline, masterful direction, and deeply engrossing performances. A compelling exploration of the human psyche, Burning is a must-watch for fans of international cinema and psychological thrillers alike.
Also Known As:
BurningRelease Date:
17 May 2018Writers:
Jungmi Oh, Lee Chang-dong, Haruki MurakamiAwards:
54 wins & 142 nominations