Mary Poppins Returns is a heartwarming and whimsical musical film that serves as a sequel to the beloved classic, Mary Poppins. Set a few decades after the original story, it follows the now-grown Banks siblings, Michael and Jane, who find themselves facing a challenging time in their lives. Thankfully, their childhood nanny, Mary Poppins, magically reappears to bring her unique brand of enchantment and joy into their lives once again.
With the help of her friend, lamplighter Jack, and a crew of colorful characters, Mary Poppins embarks on a series of magical adventures with Michael's three children. Together, they venture into a world filled with animated animals, upside-down rooms, and whimsical occurrences that teach the family crucial life lessons and the importance of imagination.
Featuring enchanting musical numbers and stunning visual effects, Mary Poppins Returns is a delightful blend of nostalgia and fresh storytelling. Emily Blunt delivers a captivating performance as the iconic Mary Poppins, effortlessly capturing the charm and grace of the character. The film also pays homage to the original with appearances from Dick Van Dyke and Karen Dotrice, who starred in the 1964 classic.
Filled with magical moments and uplifting messages, Mary Poppins Returns is a must-watch film for audiences of all ages. It will transport viewers to a world where anything is possible and remind them of the power of love, hope, and imagination.
Also Known As:
Mary Poppins ReturnsRelease Date:
19 Dec 2018Writers:
P.L. Travers, David Magee, Rob MarshallAwards:
Nominated for 4 Oscars. 23 wins & 112 nominations total