In The Viking War (2019), viewers are immersed in a thrilling and action-packed story centered around Ingrid and her siblings. The movie unfolds in a world where the Beserkers, a ruthless group known for invading villages, have started a sinister game. In this game, the villagers are forced to face off against a Beserker, with the slim chance of survival only if they emerge victorious. However, as the story unfolds, it becomes clear that no one has ever won.
Determined to escape this deadly fate, Ingrid and her siblings flee from the Beserkers, who have mercilessly taken over their town and murdered its residents. But their pursuit is unrelenting as the Beserkers are determined to force them into the terrifying game.
As the movie progresses, tensions rise, and viewers are taken on an intense journey filled with suspense and danger. The fate of Ingrid and her siblings hangs in the balance as they fight for their lives and try to outsmart the relentless Beserkers.
The Viking War is a gripping and visually stunning film that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. With its high-stakes storyline and compelling characters, this action-packed movie is guaranteed to captivate viewers from start to finish.
Also Known As:
The Viking WarRelease Date:
05 Feb 2019Writers:
Suzy Spade