Bible Bees (2019) is an animated family film that follows the adventures of two curious bees named Sunny and Petal. Filled with excitement, Sunny and Petal embark on an extraordinary journey as they discover the greatest stories told in the Bible.
This delightful movie captures the essence of joy and wonder as Sunny and Petal delve into the remarkable tales about God. Through captivating storytelling, the bees learn valuable lessons and gain a deeper understanding of their holy creator.
Filled with catchy songs and animation that brings the stories to life, Bible Bees is an entertaining and educational experience for the whole family. Each story highlights different attributes and teachings of God, making it an ideal choice for children and adults looking to deepen their spiritual connection.
Bible Bees presents a fresh perspective on familiar characters by depicting them as adorable bees. Audiences will not only find entertainment in the vivid animation but also be inspired by the moral messages conveyed throughout the film.
Prepare to be captivated by the charm and curious nature of Sunny and Petal as they embark on their unforgettable journey and explore the wonders of the Bible. Bible Bees promises to entertain, inspire, and leave a lasting impression on viewers of all ages.
Also Known As:
Bible BeesRelease Date:
19 Feb 2019Writers:
Aarow James