Suomen Hauskin Mies (2018) is a captivating comedy-drama film based on true events that took place in a Finnish detention camp in 1918. Set against the backdrop of World War I, a group of Finnish actors find themselves sentenced to death in the camp. However, when a high-ranking German general arrives, the sadistic commandant of the camp devises a twisted plan - the prisoners must perform a comedy act to entertain the general. If they can successfully make the visiting general laugh, their lives will be spared.
Directed by Heikki Kujanpää, this heartwarming film explores themes of resilience, the power of laughter, and the indomitable human spirit. Suomen Hauskin Mies showcases the actors' relentless zest for life as they face unimaginable circumstances, using humor as a means of survival. The film offers a poignant reflection on the transformative power of comedy, even in the darkest of times.
Suomen Hauskin Mies combines historical accuracy with a touch of humor and showcases the incredible strength and bravery of these actors as they strive to find hope amid the chaos of war. This emotionally-charged story will leave audiences both entertained and moved. Don't miss this inspiring and uplifting tale of the human capacity for laughter even in the face of despair.
Also Known As:
Laugh or DieRelease Date:
16 Mar 2018Writers:
Heikki Kujanpää, Mikko Reitala