IO (2019) is a thought-provoking sci-fi film that explores the struggles of a young scientist named Sam Walden as she desperately searches for a way to save a dying Earth. In a post-apocalyptic world where toxic levels of air pollution have made the planet uninhabitable, the remaining survivors have migrated to a space station orbiting Jupiter's moon, IO. However, Sam remains on Earth, determined to find a solution to the crisis.
As the last shuttle prepares to leave Earth, Sam becomes acquainted with a mysterious man named Micah, who is racing against time to catch the departing vessel. Despite their contrasting viewpoints regarding the future of humanity, a connection forms between the two protagonists, and they embark on a thought-provoking journey together.
IO challenges its audience to ponder urgent environmental issues and our collective responsibility towards the Earth's preservation. With stunning visuals and a compelling storyline, this film delivers a powerful message about hope, human connection, and the determination to enact change, even in seemingly hopeless situations.
Directed by Jonathan Helpert and featuring standout performances by Margaret Qualley as Sam Walden and Anthony Mackie as Micah, IO is an engaging and compelling sci-fi film that expands our perspectives and leaves us questioning the fate of our own world.
Also Known As:
IORelease Date:
18 Jan 2019Writers:
Clay Jeter, Charles Spano, Will BasantaAwards:
1 nomination