Two Graves is a gripping thriller that follows the journey of Margaret Powers, a middle-aged doctor of pathology, who becomes consumed by vengeance after she believes she has captured the young man responsible for her son's murder. Fueled by her desire for justice, Margaret embarks on a path of torture and interrogation to extract a confession from her captive.
As Margaret delves deeper into her quest for vengeance, she discovers shocking and unsettling truths about her own son's life. These revelations force her to confront her own demons and question the morality of her actions.
Directed by Gary Young, Two Graves is a thought-provoking exploration of the depths of grief and the lengths one can go to seek justice. With stellar performances from the cast, including Cathy Tyson as Margaret Powers, the film is a tense and gripping cinematic experience.
Imbued with a dark and haunting atmosphere, Two Graves raises profound questions about the nature of revenge and the consequences it can have on both the victim and the pursuer. This captivating thriller will keep audiences on the edge of their seats until the very last moment.