In the heartwarming holiday film Miracle on 34th Street (1994), a lawyer and a young girl embark on a mission to prove the authenticity of Santa Claus. The story revolves around Kris Kringle, a charming elderly man who finds himself occupying the role of Santa at Cole's department store on New York City's iconic 34th Street. Kris's genuine love for children and unwavering belief in bringing joy during the holiday season soon captivate the hearts of both young and old. When he claims to be the real Santa Claus, skeptics dismiss him as delusional, leading to his psychological evaluation and an impending court case to determine his sanity.
A young and pragmatic lawyer, Bryan Bedford, is assigned to represent Kris and discovers that the key to winning the case lies in convincing a skeptical judge and the entire city that Santa Claus is indeed real. With the support of Bedford's neighbor, a young girl named Susan who has grown cynical about Christmas, Kris's case takes a magical turn that not only impacts the lives of those involved but the spirit of the entire community. Spanning faith, belief, and the power of love, Miracle on 34th Street is a heartwarming tale that reminds audiences of the joy and wonderment that the holiday season can bring, regardless of age.
Also Known As:
Miracle on 34th StreetRelease Date:
18 Nov 1994Writers:
Valentine Davies, George Seaton, John HughesAwards:
1 nomination