In the post-apocalyptic thriller, The Domestics (2018), a couple is thrust into a nightmarish world dominated by dangerous and ruthless gangs. This gripping tale follows the determined husband and wife as they embark on a perilous journey through the chaotic countryside, desperately seeking safety.
As they traverse the hostile landscape, the couple encounters various factions, each with its own set of harrowing rules and brutal enforcement. Forced to adapt and navigate through this treacherous society, the couple's love and resilience are put to the ultimate test.
The film showcases the couple's unwavering determination to stay alive against all odds, highlighting the lengths they are willing to go to protect themselves and each other. Their survival depends on their ability to work together as they are pushed to their limits.
The Domestics offers a chilling exploration of human nature in a post-apocalyptic world, where the fragile remains of society have given way to lawlessness and despair. With a gripping plot and intense action sequences, this film is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats from start to finish.