In this hilarious mockumentary-style short film, Team Darryl (2018) explores what happens when Darryl, the lovable Australian roommate from Thor: Ragnarok, finds himself dealing with the unexpected arrival of the eccentric Grandmaster.
After being overthrown as the ruler of Sakaar, the Grandmaster decides to start a new life on Earth. Meanwhile, Darryl, who has been struggling to pay his rent since Thor left, desperately needs a new roommate to help cover the monthly payments. Unfortunately for Darryl, the only applicant to respond to his Roommate Needed ad turns out to be none other than the Grandmaster himself.
What follows is a series of hilarious misadventures as the odd couple attempts to navigate their unlikely living arrangement. Darryl, known for his laid-back demeanor, finds himself dealing with the Grandmaster's peculiar habits and extravagant lifestyle, much to his amusement and bewilderment.
With his flamboyant personality and love for all things extravagant, the Grandmaster brings a touch of chaos to Darryl's otherwise mundane life. Viewers will be entertained as they witness the clash of personalities, unexpected encounters, and plenty of comedic moments in this short and quirky film.
Team Darryl showcases the comedic genius of Jeff Goldblum as the Grandmaster and provides fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe with an amusing and light-hearted glimpse into the lives of these two unlikely roommates.