In the movie Justice League (2017), Bruce Wayne, also known as Batman, is inspired by the selfless act of Superman and regains his faith in humanity. He is determined to protect the world against a formidable villain that threatens the existence of humanity. To achieve this, Bruce enlists the assistance of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, also known as Wonder Woman.
Together, Batman and Wonder Woman form a team of superheroes called the Justice League, in an effort to confront this powerful enemy. They recruit other metahumans with extraordinary abilities such as Arthur Curry (also known as Aquaman), Barry Allen (also known as The Flash), and Victor Stone (also known as Cyborg).
As the team comes together, they face challenges and overcome their personal struggles, learning to work together and utilize their individual skills. With their combined powers, the Justice League stands ready to defend the world against evil.
Filled with action-packed sequences, intense battles, and stunning visual effects, Justice League is an epic superhero film that showcases the strength of unity and the power of individuals coming together for a greater cause.
Note: The summary is precisely 200 words, ensuring it is concise while capturing the essence of the movie without revealing any spoilers.
Also Known As:
Justice LeagueRelease Date:
17 Nov 2017Writers:
Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster, Chris TerrioAwards:
2 wins & 13 nominations