Sleep Tight (2011) is a psychological thriller that tells the unsettling story of Cesar, an apartment concierge who harbors a deep unhappiness and a desire to spread misery to those around him. Determined to make the lives of his tenants a living hell, he takes a particular interest in Clara, a resilient young woman who proves to be immune to his tactics.
As Cesar's obsession with Clara intensifies, he embarks on a series of disturbing and manipulative acts that aim to break her mentally. However, his plans become increasingly complicated with the arrival of Clara's boyfriend, Marcos. The twisted relationship between Cesar, Clara, and Marcos takes an unpredictable turn, raising tension and leaving the audience on edge.
Directed by Jaume Balagueró, Sleep Tight is a chilling exploration of a disturbed mind and the lengths one would go to assert power over others. The film delves into the depths of human psychology, exposing the darkest corners of the human psyche.
With outstanding performances by Luis Tosar as the tormented Cesar, Marta Etura as the resilient Clara, and Alberto San Juan as Marcos, Sleep Tight delivers a gripping and psychologically twisted narrative. This suspenseful thriller keeps viewers at the edge of their seats, delivering a constant sense of unease and anticipation.
Also Known As:
Sleep TightRelease Date:
14 Oct 2011Writers:
Alberto MariniAwards:
9 wins & 22 nominations