In 1907, after a series of violent crimes plaguing France, President Georges Clémenceau takes action by establishing the country's first motorized police force known as Les brigades du Tigre or the Tiger's brigades. Led by Chief Inspector Paul Valentin, the unit consists of inspectors Terrasson, Pujol, and trainee inspector Achille Bianchi. Their first task is to apprehend Jules Bonnot, the leader of a dangerous gang of anarchists.
As the Tiger's brigades set out to take down Bonnot and his gang, they encounter numerous challenges and obstacles. With their skill, dedication, and modern technology at their disposal, the team navigates a web of crime and corruption in order to restore peace and justice to the streets of France.
Through their relentless pursuit, the Tiger's brigades uncover a conspiracy that reaches high levels of society. As they dig deeper, they realize that the battle against crime is not solely about law enforcement, but also about protecting innocent lives, preserving order, and challenging the status quo.
Les brigades du Tigre is an action-packed historical drama that offers a thrilling glimpse into the birth of modern policing in France. Filled with suspense, intrigue, and heart-pounding action sequences, this film showcases the courage and determination of the Tiger's brigades as they fight for justice in a rapidly changing world.