Batman Returns is a thrilling superhero film directed by Tim Burton, released in 1992. Set in Gotham City, Batman finds himself facing a new challenge as a deformed man named the Penguin begins wreaking havoc and terrorizing the city. With the help of a merciless businessman, the Penguin aims to gain power and control over Gotham. Meanwhile, a mousy and oppressed female employee of the businessman transforms into the seductive and vengeful Catwoman, embarking on her own mission for justice.
As Batman struggles to maintain order and protect the innocent, he finds himself entangled in a complex web of deceit, manipulation, and personal vendettas. The film features incredible action sequences, stunning visual aesthetics, and an engaging storyline that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
With remarkable performances from a stellar cast, including Michael Keaton as Batman, Danny DeVito as the Penguin, and Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman, Batman Returns delivers a dark and enthralling cinematic experience. Tim Burton's unique directorial style brings Gotham City to life, immersing audiences in a world of shadows, secrets, and dangerous alliances.
For fans of the Batman franchise, Batman Returns is a must-watch, offering a captivating blend of mystery, suspense, and superhero action.
Also Known As:
Batman ReturnsRelease Date:
19 Jun 1992Writers:
Bob Kane, Daniel Waters, Sam HammAwards:
Nominated for 2 Oscars. 2 wins & 29 nominations total