Group Sex (2010) is a comedy film that revolves around Andy, a man who finds himself in a sexual addiction recovery group after he unknowingly follows his dream girl, Tiffany, into the group. This hilarious story follows Andy as he tries to navigate this unconventional group therapy session and forge new friendships with the eccentric characters he meets.
Herman, one of Andy's new friends, has a weakness for strip clubs, while Donny has a peculiar obsession with condiments. Tiffany, on the other hand, is a recently celibate martial artist. Together, this unlikely group brings an assortment of comedic moments and absurd situations that will leave viewers in stitches.
Throughout the film, Andy tries to thrive in this new environment while also pursuing his romantic interest in Tiffany. As the group members share their personal stories and support each other through recovery, Andy learns valuable lessons about relationships, self-discovery, and the importance of real connections.
Group Sex offers a fresh take on the romantic comedy genre, infusing it with witty humor and an unconventional storyline. A light-hearted and entertaining film, it explores the humorous side of addiction recovery while providing valuable insights into the human experience. Prepare for a laughter-filled journey as Andy and his new friends navigate love, friendship, and the pursuit of happiness.
Also Known As:
Group SexRelease Date:
05 Jan 2012Writers:
Lawrence Trilling, Greg Grunberg