Life-Size (2000) is a heartwarming family film that tells the story of 14-year-old Casey, who is struggling with the loss of her mother. Along with her father Ben, Casey finds herself drifting apart from the world. However, everything changes when she discovers a book of magic spells and attempts to bring her mother back to life.
Unfortunately, Casey's plan goes awry, and instead of resurrecting her mother, she accidentally brings to life Eve, a glamorous and larger-than-life fashion doll. Standing at nearly six feet tall, Eve is ecstatic to be alive and embarks on a journey to understand the real world. Along the way, Casey is unsure if she has the patience or desire to teach Eve how to navigate life.
This touching film explores themes of grief, friendship, and self-discovery. As Casey and Eve form an unlikely bond, they discover the importance of acceptance and understanding. Life-Size showcases the magical and often humorous journey of two individuals who learn to find solace in each other's company.
Filled with heartfelt moments and valuable life lessons, Life-Size is the perfect film for families looking to share a heartwarming experience. Join Casey and Eve as they navigate the ups and downs of life, ultimately discovering the true meaning of friendship and family.