In Sharpe's Enemy set in Portugal in 1813, Captain Richard Sharpe is faced with a formidable task. A group of deserters, led by his nemesis Obadiah Hakeswill, captures two women, one being the wife of a prominent English officer, and demands ransom for their release. Sharpe is granted the 60th Rifles and a Rocket troop, along with a promotion to Major, in order to rescue the abducted women.
While Sharpe is prepared to confront his long-time enemy Hakeswill, he finds himself faced with another adversary - the French Major Duclos. As he organizes his troops for the daring rescue mission, Sharpe realizes that Hakeswill and Duclos pose different challenges, forcing him to devise a strategy that can outmaneuver the enemy on multiple fronts.
The stakes are high as Sharpe prepares for the rescue operation, determined to save the hostages and bring justice to his old enemy. With moments of intense action, suspense, and a gripping narrative, Sharpe's Enemy takes viewers on a thrilling journey through the unpredictable world of war and captures the complexities of loyalty, honor, and revenge.
This 1994 film delivers an engaging plot, spectacular battle sequences, and a charismatic performance by Sean Bean as Captain Richard Sharpe. Fans of historical dramas and military action will find themselves engrossed in this captivating tale of bravery and resilience.