Dragon Day (2013) is a gripping thriller set in a remote mountain town where Duke Evans, an out-of-work engineer, and his family attempt to rebuild their lives. However, their American Dream is abruptly shattered when a massive cyberattack cripples the United States, leaving modern technology useless.
The devastating attack is caused by a virus that infects every Made in China microchip, causing a rapid shutdown of all essential systems. Chaos ensues as the rule of law crumbles, and basic necessities like water and food become scarce.
With no society to rely on, Duke and his family are forced to use their wits and resilience in order to survive this harrowing ordeal. They form an unlikely alliance with Alonso, an illegal immigrant who becomes a crucial source of help and support.
As they navigate the treacherous new world, Duke and his family face numerous dangers and challenges. Faced with limited resources and the constant threat of violence, they must adapt quickly to their grim surroundings.
Dragon Day (2013) delivers a frighteningly realistic portrayal of a cyberattack's aftermath, showcasing the brutal struggle for survival in a society stripped of its technological infrastructure. This gripping tale explores the resilience of the human spirit and the lengths individuals will go to protect their loved ones in the face of adversity.