Set in the offices of a Japanese corporation, Blodröd sol (1993) follows the story of a woman who is found dead during a party, indicating a potentially violent sexual encounter. When Detective Web Smith is called in to investigate the case, he receives a mysterious call instructing him to pick up John Connor, a retired police captain and an expert on Japanese affairs, before heading to the crime scene.
Upon their arrival, Web assumes that the situation is straightforward, but John Connor believes that there is more to the story than initially meets the eye. As the two delve deeper into their investigation, they uncover a web of complex and unexpected secrets that could potentially expose a dark underbelly of the Japanese corporation.
Blodröd sol captures the intrigue and mystery surrounding the untimely death of the woman, while also delving into the cultural complexities and power dynamics at play within the Japanese corporate world. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the protagonists unravel the truth and navigate through the hidden layers of deceit and manipulation.
With its engaging storyline and suspenseful moments, Blodröd sol offers an immersive cinematic experience that will leave audiences questioning their assumptions and captivated until the very end.