to his limits. Sune i fjällen is a heartwarming and hilarious Swedish family comedy that follows the Svensson family on their ski vacation during the winter holiday. Sune, the girl-charmer of the family, finds himself tangled in a complicated relationship, while his father Rudolf is pushed to his limits.
In this fifth installment of the popular Sune film series, viewers are taken on a rollercoaster ride of laughs and mishaps as the Svensson family navigates the ups and downs of their ski holiday. Sune, known for his flirtatious ways, finds himself in yet another difficult relationship that puts his family dynamics to the test.
As Rudolf tries to keep his cool, he is faced with a series of challenges that push him to his limits. From dealing with Sune's teenage predicaments to managing his own skiing mishaps, Rudolf must find a way to keep the family together amidst the chaos.
With stunning winter scenery as the backdrop, Sune i fjällen offers a perfect blend of humor, heart, and adventure. Audiences of all ages will be entertained by the witty dialogue, endearing characters, and relatable family dynamics.
Embark on this unforgettable ski vacation with the Svensson family and prepare for laughter, heartfelt moments, and a dose of winter escapades in Sune i fjällen.
Also Known As:
The Anderssons Rock the MountainsRelease Date:
19 Dec 2014Writers:
Hannes Holm, Sören Olsson