Last Days in Vietnam (2014) is a gripping documentary that unfolds against the backdrop of the chaotic final weeks of the Vietnam War. As the North Vietnamese Army advances on Saigon and the city descends into chaos, the South Vietnamese people are desperate to escape. In the midst of this turmoil, American soldiers and diplomats find themselves facing a moral dilemma.
With White House orders to evacuate U.S. citizens only, they must decide whether to follow orders or risk treason by saving the lives of as many South Vietnamese citizens as possible. This decision puts them on a collision course with the government and raises questions about loyalty, duty, and the nature of war.
Through interviews with key players and gripping footage, Last Days in Vietnam vividly captures the human drama and moral complexity of this pivotal historical moment. The film sheds light on the heroism and sacrifices made by both American and South Vietnamese soldiers in their desperate attempts to evacuate as many people as possible before the fall of Saigon.
Directed by Rory Kennedy, Last Days in Vietnam offers a thought-provoking and emotionally charged exploration of the realities faced by those caught up in the closing days of the war. This powerful documentary is a must-watch for history enthusiasts, as it provides a unique perspective on a significant chapter in American and Vietnamese history.