In the movie Army of Frankensteins (2013), Alan Jones, after a failed proposal to his girlfriend, finds himself mercilessly beaten by a gang and taken to a secret lab. There, Dr. Tanner Finski and his brilliant child assistant carry out gruesome experiments on Alan, aiming to bring a Frankenstein creature back to life. Little did they know that their experiments would tear a hole in the fabric of space and time.
This rupture in reality results in the arrival of an entire Army of Frankensteins from various parallel universes. These creatures are transported back to the 19th century, right in the middle of a fierce battle between the North and South during the American Civil War. The consequences of this event prove to be monumental, forever changing the course of history.
Army of Frankensteins is an action-packed and thrilling movie that blends elements of science fiction, horror, and historical fiction. The film takes viewers on a rollercoaster ride as they witness the clash between the Army of Frankensteins and the Confederate and Union soldiers. Faced with an unprecedented threat, both sides must navigate this new reality and fight for their survival.
Directed by Ryan Bellgardt, Army of Frankensteins offers a unique and imaginative take on the classic Frankenstein tale, providing an exciting twist that fans of the genre will surely enjoy. With its intriguing plot, stunning visuals, and captivating performances, this movie promises an unforgettable and thrilling viewing experience.