In Jurassic Prey (2015), a gripping action-packed film, a woman takes a daring leap to escape her dangerous life by stealing money from her mob boss husband. Her plan is to start anew with her lover. Coincidentally, a once-famous child star and his group of buddies are embroiled in a daring bank robbery, with a determined police detective on their trail. Their paths unexpectedly converge when they all find themselves in a secluded cabin in the wilderness. Unbeknownst to them, recent construction work in the area has unleashed a ruthless creature that now prowls the surroundings.
As the unsuspecting group settles in, they soon discover that their lives are in imminent danger, trapped with a ferocious predator. With nowhere to run, they are forced to confront their worst fears and fight for survival. The tension rises as they desperately battle this prehistoric menace, pushing themselves to the limits. Will any of them make it out alive?
Jurassic Prey takes audiences on a thrilling rollercoaster ride, blending suspense, action, and nail-biting moments. The film showcases the resilience of individuals faced with a deadly threat and emphasizes the power of human survival instincts. Prepare yourself for an adrenaline-filled experience as you witness a fight for life against an ancient force in Jurassic Prey.