My All American (2015) is an uplifting sports drama that tells the inspiring true story of Freddie Steinmark. Set in the 1960s, the film follows the journey of Freddie, an determined underdog who becomes a vital player on the gridiron. After leading his team to a championship season, Freddie faces a life-altering challenge that tests his strength and resilience.
As the story unfolds, viewers witness Freddie's relentless pursuit of success, despite being undersized for a football player. With unwavering determination and support from his coach and teammates, he defies all odds and earns a scholarship to the University of Texas.
However, just when everything seems to be falling into place, Freddie's world takes an unexpected turn. He receives devastating news that threatens his football career and potentially his life. Now, Freddie must summon his indomitable spirit to confront the toughest challenge he has ever faced.
My All American is a heartwarming tale that showcases the power of perseverance and the strength of the human spirit. This emotional rollercoaster will captivate audiences with its compelling story, brilliant performances, and stunning cinematography. It is a must-watch for sports enthusiasts and anyone who appreciates a triumphant tale of overcoming adversity.
Also Known As:
My All-AmericanRelease Date:
13 Nov 2015Writers:
Angelo Pizzo, Jim DentAwards:
1 win