In the movie American Poltergeist (2015), a group of friends decides to spend their vacation in a charming house with a dark history in Fall River, Massachusetts. However, tensions rise when one of the friends, Taryn, becomes suspicious of the home's owner and starts to feel an intense connection to the house. Unbeknownst to the group, they are about to become the victims of one of the deadliest poltergeists in American history.
As strange and unexplained phenomena begin to occur, Taryn finds herself at the center of the supernatural activity, becoming both terrified and fascinated by the presence haunting the old house. As the horrifying events intensify, the friends struggle to uncover the chilling secrets hidden within the walls of the house. They soon realize that they are dealing with an ancient evil force that will stop at nothing to claim their lives.
With unexpected twists and spine-chilling suspense, American Poltergeist takes viewers on a thrilling journey into the world of the paranormal. This supernatural horror movie explores themes of possession, dark secrets, and the enduring power of evil. Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as you witness the terrifying events unfold, leaving you questioning the existence of ghosts and the true nature of the world around us.