Inugami (2001) is a suspenseful Japanese thriller that follows the story of Akira, a teacher from Tokyo, who moves to a small rural town for a new job. It is here that he encounters Miki, a beautiful papermaker who captivates his heart. However, as their relationship deepens, Akira discovers a disturbing secret about Miki's family.
Rumors of an ancient legend that the family is cursed by the Inugami, or Dog God, begin to circulate. Initially dismissing it as mere superstition, Akira becomes increasingly concerned when strange and unexplained deaths start occurring in the town. The once peaceful community grows restless and fearful.
As the tension mounts, Akira finds himself torn between his love for Miki and the need to uncover the truth about her family and their involvement in the mysterious deaths. Inugami delves into themes of love, betrayal, and the consequences of ancient curses.
Directed by Masato Harada, this gripping psychological thriller keeps viewers on the edge of their seats, as Akira delves deeper into the history of the Inugami curse. With its atmospheric setting and compelling performances, Inugami is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful Japanese cinema.
Note: This summary is meant to provide an enticing overview of the movie without giving away any spoilers. It is formatted for a streaming service page.