Ali and Nino is a captivating historical romance that takes place in the backdrop of Baku, Azerbaijan, during the tumultuous times before and during World War One. Ali, an affluent Muslim man belonging to a powerful family, falls deeply in love with Nino, a Christian woman from neighboring Georgia. Despite their religious differences, their love is unwavering, and they decide to elope to the countryside.
As the war erupts, the couple faces the challenges and uncertainties that come with war. While Ali's friends are sent off to fight, both Ali and Nino take different paths to contribute to the war effort. Ali joins the Azerbaijani militia to fight against the Bolsheviks, who pose a threat to Baku. On the other hand, Nino dedicates herself to nursing wounded soldiers during the March Days massacre in Baku.
The film beautifully portrays the complexities of their love amidst the chaos and violence of wartime, and their determination to be together against all odds. Through their extraordinary journey, the audience witnesses the resilience and sacrifices made by the young couple for the sake of their love and their desire for a united Azerbaijan.
Ali and Nino is an emotionally charged film that captivates viewers with its powerful storytelling, stunning cinematography, and unforgettable performances. It offers a unique perspective on love, war, and the fight for freedom during a turbulent period in history.