In Walk of Fame (2017), Drew (Scott Eastwood) enrolls in a renowned acting school in Hollywood, known as Star Academy, upon meeting aspiring actress Nikki. Little did he know that this journey would take him on a rollercoaster ride filled with eccentricities and volatile encounters. Drew finds himself in the hands of an unpredictable acting coach, brilliantly portrayed by Malcolm McDowell, who challenges him to his limits. Alongside Drew, a slew of colorful characters with big dreams and bigger personalities compete for their breakthrough in the entertainment world. As the chaos ensues, Drew must navigate the madness of Star Academy while also trying to win over Nikki's heart.
In this romantic comedy, Walk of Fame, audiences are treated to a humorous and lively exploration of Hollywood's underbelly. Scott Eastwood brings charisma and charm to his role as Drew, while Malcolm McDowell's portrayal of the unpredictable acting coach adds a layer of depth to the film. With a blend of comedy, romance, and the pursuit of dreams, Walk of Fame is an entertaining and light-hearted journey that will keep viewers engaged. Follow Drew's quest for success, love, and acceptance in a city that thrives on ambition and starry-eyed dreamers. Will Drew survive the challenges of the Star Academy? Will he win over Nikki's heart? Explore the world of Hollywood's aspiring stars and find out in Walk of Fame.