In the movie Goldstone, Indigenous Detective Jay Swan is called to the remote frontier town of Goldstone to investigate a missing persons case. Initially expecting a routine investigation, Jay soon discovers a web of crime and corruption that runs deep within the town. To uncover the truth, Jay must overcome personal challenges and team up with the young local cop Josh.
As Jay delves into the case, he uncovers a dark secret involving the mining industry and its exploitation of the land and its inhabitants. His investigation becomes a fight for justice in a town where corruption thrives.
Together with the reluctant Josh, Jay must confront the town's powerful figures and unravel the truth behind the mysterious disappearance. As they dig deeper, their lives become endangered, and they find themselves caught in a dangerous web of deceit and violence.
Goldstone is a thrilling and suspenseful crime drama that explores themes of corruption, greed, and the impact of colonization on Indigenous communities. With stunning cinematography capturing the harsh and beautiful landscapes, this movie takes audiences on a gripping journey into the heart of darkness in Goldstone.