Brace for Impact (2016) is a thrilling and suspenseful movie that follows the story of Sofia Gilchrist, a Flight Crash Investigator who becomes embroiled in a personal mission to unravel the truth behind a plane crash that claimed the life of her brother. Sofia, played by a remarkable cast, is devastated by her brother's death and cannot shake off the feeling that there is more to the crash than meets the eye.
Fueled by grief and an unyielding determination for justice, Sofia decides to step outside the boundaries of her profession and secretly investigates the crash. Breaking protocol and risking her career, Sofia delves deep into a web of conspiracy and cover-ups that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Brace for Impact expertly combines elements of mystery, drama, and action to create an intense and captivating narrative. As Sofia unravels the layers of deceit, the tension escalates, and the stakes become higher than ever. With unexpected twists and turns, the movie keeps the audience guessing until the very end.
Featuring exceptional performances and breathtaking cinematography, Brace for Impact is a must-watch for fans of suspenseful thrillers. Strap in and brace yourself for an exhilarating ride as Sofia Gilchrist refuses to back down and uncovers the shocking truth behind the plane crash that changed her life forever.
Also Known As:
Final DestinyRelease Date:
03 Apr 2016Writers:
Ian CarpenterAwards:
3 nominations