In Don't Say a Word, this suspenseful thriller follows the story of a renowned psychiatrist whose life takes a terrifying turn when his daughter is kidnapped. Desperate to save her, he learns that the kidnappers' demand is for him to connect with a young woman suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder who holds a dangerous secret.
As the psychiatrist delves into the mind of this traumatized woman, he is confronted with his own haunted past, forcing him to confront his own demons. With time ticking against him, he races against the clock to uncover the truth and rescue his daughter.
Directed by Gary Fleder, Don't Say a Word offers a gripping narrative filled with twists and turns that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film explores themes of trust, trauma, and the lengths a person would go to protect the ones they love.
Starring Michael Douglas as the determined psychiatrist determined to save his daughter, alongside Sean Bean, Brittany Murphy, and Famke Janssen, the cast delivers compelling performances that add depth and intensity to the storyline.
With its intense suspense, compelling performances, and unexpected plot twists, Don't Say a Word is a must-watch thriller that will leave audiences guessing until the very end.
Also Known As:
Don't Say a WordRelease Date:
28 Sep 2001Writers:
Andrew Klavan (novel), Anthony Peckham (screenplay), Patrick Smith Kelly (screenplay)Awards:
1 nomination.