In the movie Struck by Lightning (2012), a high school boy named Carson Philips is determined to escape the dullness and ignorance of his hometown. He yearns to move to New York City, attend his dream college, and break free from the shadow of his alcoholic and divorced mother. To achieve these aspirations, Carson resorts to blackmailing his classmates into contributing to his literary magazine.
As Carson navigates his way through the complex web of high school politics, he discovers a newfound sense of satisfaction and achievement. Through his journal writing and the support of his best friend Malerie, Carson learns the value of his own voice and the power it holds to make a difference.
Struck by Lightning raises questions about whether Carson will be accepted into his dream college and whether he will succeed in pursuing his ultimate life goal. The film explores themes of ambition, self-discovery, and the importance of breaking free from the expectations placed upon us.
Through its poignant storytelling, Struck by Lightning offers a relatable and inspiring journey for viewers, reminding them to chase their dreams and carve their own path in life. Will Carson's efforts pay off, or will he be left disillusioned by the pursuit of his dreams? Watch the film to find out.