In Night and the City (1992), Robert DeNiro and Jessica Lange portray an unlikely couple struggling to navigate their own personal challenges. DeNiro's character, a failed lawyer, is consumed by his recent loss in a high-profile court case against a renowned boxing organizer. Fuelled by a desire for revenge, he sets out to catch the organizer on his own turf: the world of boxing. Despite having no knowledge or experience in the sport, his persuasive demeanor allows him to enlist the help of individuals, including the brother of his newfound enemy.
However, the lawyer's tumultuous relationship with Lange's character, a waitress, adds an extra layer of complication to his already chaotic life. As the couple becomes entangled in a downward spiral, they struggle to confront their individual problems and find a way to reconcile their differences. With DeNiro's character's determination to prove himself, and Lange's character's steadfastness in supporting him, the film takes viewers on a gripping journey filled with twists and turns.
Night and the City (1992) explores themes of ambition, redemption, and the consequences of one's actions. With its intense performances, gripping storyline, and unpredictable plot twists, this film is sure to captivate audiences.