Small Apartments (2012) is a dark comedy that follows the misadventures of a clumsy deadbeat named Franklin Franklin, played by Matt Lucas. After accidentally killing his landlord, Franklin finds himself in a bind and is pushed to great lengths to hide the body. However, as he tries to cover up the crime, he gets entangled in a web of distractions, including his own desires and the death of his beloved brother.
Throughout his journey, Franklin encounters a colorful cast of misfit characters, from his eccentric neighbors to a detective who becomes suspicious of him. As he navigates these relationships, Franklin also stumbles upon a hidden fortune that could change his life.
The film explores themes of loneliness, redemption, and the pursuit of happiness, all while keeping the viewers engaged with its quirky humor and unexpected twists. Directed by Jonas Åkerlund, Small Apartments is a unique blend of dark comedy and drama that offers a fresh take on the crime genre.
With its standout performances, witty dialogue, and offbeat storyline, Small Apartments is a must-watch for fans of indie films and unconventional storytelling. It offers a captivating and humorous look into the life of a man caught up in a web of chaos and self-discovery.