Wallander 22: Dödsängeln (2010) follows the story of a teenager named Miranda, who is of Iraqi descent and goes missing after a heated argument with the choir-mistress and another chorister named Bea. Detective Wallander takes charge of the investigation and brings in Johan, an ex-racist skinhead who had a brief relationship with Miranda. Despite initial suspicions, Johan is eventually released due to lack of evidence.
As the investigation progresses, another choir member named Lina disappears. Wallander discovers a connection to a recluse named Thomas Hammar, who seems to have an obsession with the choir. However, Wallander soon realizes that Hammar's motives for following the choir are innocent and personal.
Meanwhile, the real culprit responsible for the abductions is much closer to home. The story delves into the complexities of the relationships within the choir, raising questions about trust and hidden secrets. Wallander must navigate through these complexities to uncover the truth and bring the perpetrator to justice.
Wallander 22: Dödsängeln is a thrilling mystery that explores themes of trust, betrayal, and the consequences of hidden secrets. Viewers will be kept on the edge of their seats as they unravel the shocking truth behind the abductions.