The Bold Type is a captivating and empowering drama series that offers viewers a sneak peek into the extraordinary lives and romantic escapades of the vibrant personalities steering a renowned global women's magazine. Set in the vibrant backdrop of bustling New York City, the show delves into the trials and triumphs of three best friends – Jane Sloan, Kat Edison, and Sutton Brady – who work together at the publication as they navigate their careers and personal relationships.
As aspiring writer Jane discovers her voice and climbs the ranks within the magazine, stylish and ambitious Kat focuses on empowering women through bold and groundbreaking social media content. Meanwhile, fashionista Sutton dreams of becoming a fashion designer and strives to prove herself in the competitive world of fashion. Admiring their mentor Jacqueline Carlyle, the editor-in-chief, and their colleagues, the trio faces dilemmas and tackles thought-provoking issues head-on, exploring themes of identity, friendship, love, and female empowerment.
Drawing inspiration from real-life magazine Cosmopolitan, The Bold Type exhilarates audiences with its refreshingly vibrant characters, relatable storylines, and heartfelt moments. With its perfect blend of drama, romance, and comedy, this series is a must-watch for anyone seeking an empowering and captivating portrayal of modern women.
Also Known As:
The Bold TypeRelease Date:
20 Jun 2017Writers:
Sarah WatsonAwards:
3 wins & 19 nominations