In the TV show Great News, a New Jersey mother named Carol discovers an exciting opportunity: an internship at her daughter's workplace. This unexpected twist puts the already complicated mother-daughter relationship to the test, creating a comical ride filled with laughs and challenges. As Carol enters the busy and competitive world of cable news, she must navigate office politics, demanding bosses, and eccentric colleagues.
Great News offers a fresh take on the workplace comedy genre with its dynamic cast and witty writing. Carol's attempts to prove herself while maintaining a harmonious relationship with her daughter, Katie, adds a unique and heartfelt layer to the show's humor. This hilarious clash between the mother's enthusiasm and the daughter's skepticism provides the foundation for an entertaining exploration of the generation gap and the balancing act of personal and professional life.
The series is led by a talented ensemble cast, including Andrea Martin as Carol and Briga Heelan as Katie, who bring their characters to life with brilliant comedic timing. Created by Tracey Wigfield, known for her work on 30 Rock, Great News offers a similar style of quick-witted humor and clever satire.
With its relatable premise, memorable characters, and an abundance of comedic moments, Great News is a must-watch for fans of workplace comedies and family dynamics. Get ready for a delightful and entertaining journey as Carol and Katie navigate the ups and downs of this unexpected internship experience.
Also Known As:
Great NewsRelease Date:
25 Apr 2017Writers:
Tracey Wigfield