Luke Cage is a thrilling action series set in the heart of Harlem. After a secret experiment gives him extraordinary powers, Luke Cage becomes an unstoppable force with super strength and impenetrable skin. However, these abilities also make him a target, forcing him to go on the run and start a new life.
As Luke navigates the criminal underworld and confronts his troubled past, he becomes a symbol of hope for the people of Harlem. But when a ruthless villain threatens to destroy everything he holds dear, Luke is forced to step up and fight for the soul of his city.
The series explores themes of redemption, power, and community as Luke becomes a reluctant hero and protector of Harlem. With stunning action sequences and powerful performances, Luke Cage is a must-watch for fans of the superhero genre.
Featuring a diverse cast, including Mike Colter as the titular character and Mahershala Ali as the menacing villain, Luke Cage offers a unique and vibrant portrayal of urban life. With its gritty storyline and compelling characters, this series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. Experience the pulse-pounding adventures of Luke Cage as he balances his extraordinary abilities with his desire for justice and redemption.
Also Known As:
Luke CageRelease Date:
30 Sep 2016Writers:
Cheo Hodari CokerAwards:
Won 1 Primetime Emmy. 6 wins & 23 nominations total