In the post-apocalyptic animated film 9 (2009), a hand-stitched doll named 9 wakes up in a terrifying world destroyed by a war between humans and machines. With the number 9 inscribed on his back, the doll soon discovers that he is not alone in this desolate landscape. There are other dolls like him, each marked with a single digit.
One of the first dolls 9 encounters is 2, who enlightens him about the tragic events that led to their predicament. Additionally, 2 becomes fascinated by a unique disk carried by 9. This disk holds three mysterious symbols on its front.
As 9 delves deeper into the bleak reality around him, he uncovers a startling revelation. The disk he possesses, along with the other dolls willing to sacrifice themselves for humanity's sake, may hold the key to saving mankind. With hope dwindling and danger lurking at every turn, 9 and his newfound companions embark on a perilous journey to unravel the secrets of their past and secure a brighter future for humanity.
9 combines stunning visuals with a captivating narrative to transport viewers to a haunting yet awe-inspiring world. This gripping tale explores themes of courage, sacrifice, and the enduring power of unity in the face of adversity. Join 9 and his fellow dolls as they fight to restore hope and bring salvation to a post-apocalyptic world on the brink of extinction.