48 Hrs. is a thrilling action comedy directed by Walter Hill and released in 1982. The film revolves around the unlikely partnership between a tough and seasoned cop, Jack Cates, and a quick-witted criminal, Reggie Hammond. Cates is determined to apprehend a dangerous killer who has escaped custody and is seeking revenge. In a desperate attempt to catch the murderer, Cates enlists the help of Hammond, who has been temporarily released from prison.
As the pair navigates the gritty streets of San Francisco, they face various challenges and engage in intense shootouts and high-speed chases. However, their contrasting personalities and conflicting agendas constantly create friction and humor along the way. Cates is determined to solve the case within 48 hours, while Hammond is entangled in his own criminal past.
Filled with witty dialogue, dynamic action sequences, and unexpected plot twists, 48 Hrs. takes viewers on a thrilling rollercoaster ride. The film showcases the undeniable chemistry between the lead actors, Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy, who deliver outstanding performances. Nolte brings depth and intensity to the role of the hard-nosed cop, while Murphy injects the film with his trademark humor and charm.
48 Hrs. is a classic buddy cop movie that masterfully combines action and comedy, creating an entertaining and memorable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
48 Hrs.Release Date:
08 Dec 1982Writers:
Roger Spottiswoode, Walter Hill, Larry GrossAwards:
2 wins & 2 nominations