30 Rock follows Liz Lemon, the head writer of the sketch-comedy show TGS with Tracy Jordan, as she navigates the chaos of running a successful television show. Her world is turned upside down when a new boss, Jack Donaghy, challenges her authority and a new star, Tracy Jordan, brings his own brand of crazy to the show. Liz must juggle egos, deadlines, and her own sanity as she tries to keep the show running smoothly.
As Liz battles her new boss and star, she also must contend with the quirky cast and crew of TGS, including the unpredictable Tracy and the charming but dim-witted actor Jenna Maroney. With the help of her loyal assistant, Kenneth Parcell, Liz strives to maintain her sanity and sense of humor in the fast-paced world of television production.
With its sharp wit, clever writing, and hilarious characters, 30 Rock is a must-watch comedy series that offers a behind-the-scenes look at the madness of creating a hit television show. Join Liz Lemon and her motley crew as they navigate the ups and downs of show business in this Emmy-winning series.
Also Known As:
30 RockRelease Date:
11 Oct 2006Writers:
Tina FeyAwards:
Won 16 Primetime Emmys. 100 wins & 368 nominations total