In this gripping 2023 thriller, titled Her Disappearance, audiences are thrust into the mysterious world of Ida's sudden vanishing. The film centers around a heart-wrenching love story and the hidden secrets that will ultimately unfold. When Ida, a young woman, disappears without a trace, her devastated boyfriend, Sander, makes the bold decision to subject himself to interrogation by Ida's father and brother. However, it becomes clear that Sander is withholding vital information.
As the story unravels, tensions rise, exposing the complexities of love, trust, and the lengths one will go to protect their loved ones. Her Disappearance takes viewers on an emotional rollercoaster as they delve deep into the minds of the characters, questioning their motives and uncovering dark truths.
Directed by a brilliant newcomer, this psychological thriller offers a unique perspective on the genre, with its focus on relationships and the devastating effects of secrets. The stunning cinematography, coupled with intense performances from the cast, immerses the audience in a world of uncertainty and deception.
Prepare to be on the edge of your seat as Her Disappearance keeps you guessing until the very end. Will Sander finally reveal the truth about Ida's disappearance, or will the secrets remain buried forever? Stream this riveting film now for an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
Copenhagen Does Not ExistRelease Date:
09 Feb 2023Writers:
Terje Holtet Larsen, Eskil VogtAwards:
3 wins & 8 nominations