In the thrilling sci-fi sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact, a combined USA-Soviet team embarks on a perilous mission to the planet Jupiter. Their main objective is to uncover the mystery surrounding the ill-fated Discovery spacecraft and its infamous H.A.L. 9000 computer. Set in the year 2010, the story follows a crew of astronauts and scientists who are determined to unravel the enigma that has plagued them for years.
As they journey towards Jupiter, the team encounters a series of unforeseen challenges and dangerous encounters. In the midst of their expedition, they also face the tense political atmosphere between the United States and the Soviet Union, adding an extra layer of tension to their mission.
As the crew delves deeper into the secrets of the Discovery, they begin to unravel the truth behind H.A.L.'s actions and the unsettling events that transpired in the previous mission. In a race against time, they must decipher the cryptic messages left behind and comprehend the significance of their findings.
Full of suspense and mind-bending visuals, 2010: The Year We Make Contact delves into themes of exploration, technology, and humanity's quest for knowledge. It keeps audiences on the edge of their seats as they bear witness to the unraveling of a deep interstellar mystery, leaving them with questions about humanity's place in the vast universe.
Also Known As:
2010: The Year We Make ContactRelease Date:
07 Dec 1984Writers:
Arthur C. Clarke, Peter HyamsAwards:
Nominated for 5 Oscars. 1 win & 8 nominations total