In the historical drama 1864 set in Denmark, tensions arise as Prussia and Austria declare war against Denmark, leading to a bloody conflict. The movie follows the lives of two brothers who are called to serve in this brutal battle – a battle that would go down in history as Denmark's bloodiest.
As the war unfolds, viewers are exposed to the harsh realities of combat and the toll it takes on both soldiers and civilians. Amidst the chaos, the brothers face personal struggles, witnessing the brutality of war and the devastating consequences it has on their homeland.
While 1864 is a war film, it also explores themes of love, loyalty, and sacrifice. The characters navigate complex relationships, and their personal stories unfold against the backdrop of a nation torn apart by conflict.
The movie offers a glimpse into a critical moment in Danish history and sheds light on the devastating impact of war on individuals and society. Through intimate storytelling and powerful performances, 1864 provides an emotional and thought-provoking viewing experience.
With its historical accuracy, compelling narrative, and strong acting, 1864 is a must-watch for history enthusiasts and fans of war dramas alike. Experience the gripping story of two brothers caught in the midst of Denmark's bloodiest battle in this emotionally charged film that will leave a lasting impact.
Also Known As:
1864Release Date:
12 Oct 2014Writers:
Ole BornedalAwards:
8 nominations