In Lego Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape, viewers are taken on a thrilling adventure filled with action and excitement. The story centers around Simon Masrani, the founder of Jurassic Park, who enlists the help of Claire and Dr. Wu, two trusted scientists, to create a groundbreaking new dinosaur hybrid known as the Indominus Rex. However, when the Indominus Rex manages to escape its confinement, chaos ensues. This is where Owen Grady, a resilient and skilled dinosaur trainer, comes into the picture.
As the park descends into panic and chaos, Owen Grady steps up to the challenge of stopping the Indominus Rex and saving the day. He races against time to round up a team of brave dinosaurs and embark on a daring mission to capture the elusive creature before it causes irreversible damage.
With a combination of wit, bravery, and resourcefulness, Owen faces numerous obstacles and epic battles as he navigates through the chaotic and dangerous world of Lego Jurassic World. Along the way, he encounters various familiar faces and iconic creatures from the Jurassic Park franchise.
Lego Jurassic World: The Indominus Escape promises to deliver heart-stopping thrills, jaw-dropping visuals, and loads of humor that will keep viewers of all ages entertained. Don't miss this exciting Lego adventure as Owen Grady takes on the challenge of a lifetime and races against time to save Jurassic Park from disaster.
Also Known As:
Lego Jurassic World: The Indominus EscapeRelease Date:
03 Oct 2016