Upgrade is a thrilling science fiction film set in the near-future where technology reigns supreme. The protagonist, Grey, is a self-proclaimed technophobe who is thrown into a world he despises when his life takes a devastating turn. Fueled by revenge, Grey seeks out the experimental solution of a computer chip implant to regain control over his life.
Grey's implant, called STEM, not only restores his physical abilities but also enhances them to superhuman levels. With his newfound capabilities, Grey embarks on a relentless quest to track down those responsible for his misfortune. Along the way, he partners with a young hacker named Eron Keen as they navigate the dangerous underbelly of a society ruled by advanced technology.
As the story progresses, Grey becomes torn between the increasing power and control exerted by STEM, and his own desire for justice. The film explores themes of identity, autonomy, and the consequences of relying too heavily on technology.
Upgrade offers a captivating blend of action, suspense, and thought-provoking ideas about the role of technology in our lives. The film keeps viewers on the edge of their seats with its intense action sequences and intriguing plot twists. With its stunning visuals and stellar performances, Upgrade is sure to capture the attention of fans of both science fiction and action genres.
Also Known As:
UpgradeRelease Date:
01 Jun 2018Writers:
Leigh WhannellAwards:
3 wins & 25 nominations